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Her Story

From the Emerald Isle to the land of infinite dreams, little did I know that this backpacking adventure would last 15 years! Tallafornia girl to the bright lights in the Harbour city I found love in the least expected jewel we now call the 'ole girl'!

It's a watering hole that signifies for me so much more than its unassuming and modest exterior. Like you Garth, it's humble, kind, down to Earth, resilient, strong and the place that brings me endless laughter. No matter what happens day or night .... (yes I literally mean ALL day and ALL night) it will be waiting with open arms, a friendly smile and be a safe place to fall without casting judgement. 

But you've got one up on it kid. No matter how enticing those free rumbos are from Sammie, the ole girl will never look as sexy and ninja hot as you babe ... and let's be honest, of all the pub quizzes in all the pubs it will never be as smart, intelligent and wonderfully curious as you. 

You have opened up the world to me and I could not have imagined when I was a little girl watching My Little Pony on tv that this fantasy cartoon would some day become my fantasy in real life, among the orange sand dunes and beneath the desert stars.

You've been my best friend from the beginning and I promise to always be your best friend as time goes by  and all the way back to our future.


His Story

I'd like to thank the Academy for this nomination. I took this role because it seemed perfect for me. I could relate to the characters and what they have gone through to get to where they are today. However, I think we can all agree that the script was VERY long and took a LONG time to get moving. From humble beginnings in Adelaide, my character has grown into the all singing all dancing Ninja of awesomenesserest we know today. As for the marquee star, Rach, what can I say: intelligent, sexy, fit & modest – yip I'm the whole package and she’s lucky to have me!  .... Don’t act like you’re not impressed!

Meeting Rachel was quite the story.  It all started when of all the rum joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walked into mine. From a game of Gaelic footy to repeat song requests to play it again Sammie, little did I know then it was the final countdown to the best day of my life.

We’ve been lucky enough to create some amazing experiences together in so many rum joints around the world and here’s to many more to be sure. Having Rach say yes when I proposed on October 21st 2015 feels like I have found the Grays Sports Almanac as we head back to the future too!


Our Story

Casablanca is our favourite romantic film and we were recently there to experience the romanticism ourselves. From here it was a surprise trip to a secret location and private tent in the Saharan desert that set the scene for a memorable (and successful) proposal. While the journey was long it served as a perfect metaphor for the commitment we made to each other that weekend and it still does - we’ll always have Morocco. Starting in the desert by the dying embers of the fire and under the bright Twilight Sparkles and Rainbow Dashes of the Moroccan stars, has it been an adventure to remember? - Yes it Hasbro! We can safely say this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship and we can’t wait to celebrate it with you. 

Here’s looking at us, kid!​

His Story
Her Story

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